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The Future of Diplomacy Starts Here.

DiploAct's Excellence program trains young diplomats across the country each year to improve Israel's image worldwide.

Israel’s Leading Advocacy Program

Become the voice shaping Israel’s image through our comprehensive advocacy training program.
Learn to craft compelling talking points and effectively communicate Israel’s story worldwide.

The Training

Participants in the program learn about Israel advocacy and diplomacy through lectures, workshops, and tours. These assets give them the knowledge and practical tools essential for effective engagement in Israel advocacy.

The Impact

After their year of dissecting Israeli history, facts and myths, and other key components of the Israel narrative, they leave not just knowing the facts, but how to communicate them to people who do not see the truth.

DiploAct provided a supportive environment to discuss and advocate for Israel. As a third-generation Holocaust survivor, the program equipped me to fight antisemitism and promote understanding.

Ofri Landsberg
2023 Alumni

The high-quality content and networking opportunities significantly developed me both personally and professionally. The program was a milestone in my career path.

Rotem Pearlberger
2023 Alumni

The program enriched my knowledge in international relations and advocacy. I enjoyed various activities and the shared goal of improving Israel's image.

Avia Avisar
2023 Alumni

DiploAct provided a deep understanding of the conflict and improved my public speaking skills. The program was a pivotal decision, enriching me intellectually and personally.

Shahak Dinur
2022 Alumni

DiploAct exposed me to extensive content and practical training, preparing me for advocacy even during challenging times. A significant event in the USA highlighted the potential for meaningful change.

Yuval Teperberg
2022 Alumni:

The DiploAct program expanded my knowledge and advocacy skills, enabling informed discussions. Our impactful delegation to Denmark emphasized the importance of dialogue and understanding.

Roy Dargatsky
2022 Alumni:

The lectures were enlightening, offering a broad perspective on the Israeli-Jewish story. I highly recommend joining DiploAct for its effective advocacy training.

Eilon Mashiach
2021 Alumni

I was drawn to Diploact for its mission to improve Israel's image globally. Volunteering for this values-based organization provided me with excellent advocacy tools and personal growth.

Inon Nalgas
2022 Alumni

The Community

Join a vibrant community of 1000+ Alumni and take part in online and real-world networking events.


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What does the DiploAct Excellence Program include?

The most comprehensive public diplomacy program in Israel, featuring lectures, workshops, and tours. Topics include the Israeli-Arab conflict, international law, Israel-U.S. relations, common claims against Israel and their rebuttals, public speaking, storytelling, debating workshops, and meetings with social media influencers.

Which universities participate in the Excellence Program?

As of the 2023-2024 academic year, the program operates in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and Be'er Sheva.

How often are program meetings held?

Weekly meetings throughout the academic year on the relevant campus, with optional sessions during semester breaks open to participants and the public.

How can I join DiploAct’s training programs?

Applications typically open at the start of the academic year. Stay updated on various programs and the selection process by visiting our website.

I'm not a student. Can I still participate in DiploAct's programs?

Absolutely! Our programs are open to young people from across the country. Note that session schedules align with university calendars, including semester breaks and Israeli holidays.

What are the admission requirements?

High proficiency in English, excellent interpersonal skills, relevant background in diplomacy, and a strong motivation to make a difference.

The program registration is closed. Can I still get involved?

Sign up for our newsletter to stay informed about program openings and opportunities to engage in ongoing activities.

Join a vibrant community of 1000+ Alumni and take part in online and real-world networking events.

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